Loose Shoulder Symptom

Loose shoulder girdle sign (also known as flaccid shoulder sign) is a clinical sign characterized by excessive mobility and looseness of the shoulder girdle.

This symptom can be observed with various diseases and injuries of the shoulder girdle. The most common causes of its occurrence:

  1. Paralysis or paresis of the muscles that hold the scapula (trapezius, rhomboid muscles)
  2. Damage to the joint capsule of the shoulder joint
  3. Dislocation or instability of the acromioclavicular joint
  4. Clavicle fracture

Diagnosis of the symptom of loose shoulder girdles is carried out during examination. The doctor asks the patient to lower his arms along his body and lightly pushes him from behind by the shoulders. If a symptom is present, the shoulder girdles shift anteriorly and outward relative to the chest.

To clarify the cause of the symptom and plan treatment, additional studies may be performed - radiography, MRI, EMG, etc. Treatment depends on the specific cause and may include both conservative and surgical methods.

Loose Shoulder Symptom: Definition and Characteristics

**Loose shoulder sign** (also known as **flabby shoulder sign**) is a neurological symptom that occurs when the shoulder girdle (shoulder joints) sag at rest or during certain movements. This condition may be due to damage or compression of the brachial plexus, spinal cord, or various nerves in the brachial region. Causes of Loose Shoulder Symptoms 1. Damage or compression of the brachial plexus: In this condition, damage to the nerve trunk leads to loss of control over the motor functions of the muscles of the shoulder and neck, as well as impaired sensitivity of the skin in these areas. 2. Diseases of the nervous system: The symptom of loose shoulder girdles can be one of the symptoms of various neurological diseases, such as multiple sclerosis, syringomyelia, myelopathy, etc. In this case, the appearance