Hard Edema Symptom

Wasserman's sign (hemiatrophy) is a manifestation of paralysis of the lower extremities as a result of damage to the spinal cord. Hemiatrophy is a complex neurogenic syndrome that develops in cases where the conduction of nerve impulses at neuromuscular synapses is disrupted. In other words, hemiatrophic edema is a protective reaction to injury to one of the limbs. Tends to increase during sleep, decreasing upon awakening until disappearing. Clinical symptoms develop against the background of traumatic injuries. Occurs against the background of trauma.

Hard Edema Symptom: Signs, Causes and Treatment

Hard Edema is a medical term that describes certain changes in the skin tissue on the legs that are tight, thick, and shiny without making a dent when pressed with a finger. This symptom can be observed in patients with spinal cord injuries and myelitis.

The symptom of Hard Edema is the result of a disruption of normal blood circulation, lymphatic drainage or nervous system functions in the leg area. Spinal cord injuries and myelitis, inflammatory processes that affect the spinal cord, can cause disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses and decreased muscle tone. This in turn can lead to poor circulation and lymphatic drainage in the legs.

The main signs of the Hard Edema symptom are:

  1. Tension and density of skin tissue on the legs: The skin becomes firmer and less pliable to the touch. This may be noticeable when palpating the legs.

  2. Glossiness of the skin surface: The skin acquires a shiny appearance due to disruption of normal blood flow and lymph drainage.

  3. No indentation when pressed: A distinctive feature of the symptom of Hard Edema is that when pressing with a finger on the skin of the leg, there is no temporary indentation or indentation, which is usually observed with edema.

As mentioned, the symptom of Solid Edema is usually associated with spinal cord injuries and myelitis. Spinal cord injuries can cause disruption of the nerve connections between the spinal cord and the legs, leading to decreased muscle tone and poor circulation. Myelitis, in turn, is an inflammatory disease of the spinal cord, which can also lead to disruption of normal blood flow and lymphatic drainage.

Treatment of the symptom of Hard Edema is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease causing the symptoms. In the case of spinal cord injury or myelitis, complex therapy may be required, including physical therapy, drug treatment and rehabilitation measures. Physical therapy can help restore leg function and improve circulation. Drug treatment may include drugs aimed at relieving inflammation and improving nerve conduction. Rehabilitation activities such as massage, exercise, and physical therapy can help restore muscle tone and improve leg functionality.

It is important to note that treatment for the symptom of Hard Edema should be individualized and carried out under the guidance of a physician. Each case requires a detailed analysis and determination of the most effective treatment methods in accordance with the underlying disease and general condition of the patient.

In conclusion, the Hard Edema sign is a characteristic finding observed in patients with spinal cord injury and myelitis. It is associated with poor circulation and lymphatic drainage in the legs, resulting in tight, tight, and glossy skin without indentation when pressure is applied. Treatment of the symptom of Hard Edema requires a comprehensive approach and should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease causing the symptoms through physical therapy, drug treatment and rehabilitation measures carried out under the supervision of a physician.