Symptoms and treatment of papilloma on the tonsil

Papillomas on the tonsil

The content of the article:
  1. What do papillomas on the tonsil look like?
  2. Why do they arise?
  3. Treatment options
    1. Medicines
    2. Removal of papillomas
    3. Folk remedies
  4. Prevention of papillomas on the tonsils

Papilloma on the tonsil is a neoplasm caused by the human papillomavirus, which in the initial stages appears as a small nipple-like structure on the lymphoid tissue. Such formations are mostly benign, but improper treatment can lead to tissue transformation, breathing complications, and a significant decrease in the protective functions of the tonsils. By ignoring the problem, a person puts his health at high risk. Self-determination of the disease and treatment is no less dangerous; only a doctor must diagnose papilloma on the tonsil, carry out removal or prescribe the correct therapy.

What do papillomas on the tonsil look like?

What do papillomas on the tonsil look like?

Photo of papillomas on the tonsil

Only 40% of all formations in the oral cavity are papillomas, so it is necessary to clearly distinguish the symptoms of the disease, understand the reasons for its occurrence and know the acceptable methods of treatment.

Tonsil papilloma, due to its formation on specific tissues, has an appearance that differs from similar formations on the skin. The outer layer of the structure consists of epithelial cells, and the inner layer has a submucosa. Due to the dense coating, the external symptoms of tonsil papilloma are not so pronounced. The color of the formation varies from light pink to dark pink, depending on the pigmentation of this area of ​​the mucosa.

At the beginning of the development of the pathology, the patient does not feel any discomfort, so single formations quickly grow. As the pathology develops, it transforms into multiple formations. Fine-grained structures appear on the lymphoid tissues, a tone lighter than the natural color of the tonsils. Over time, they grow into large formations. But papilloma of the palatine tonsil provokes swelling.

The symptoms of the disease listed above are rarely associated with the appearance of papillomas, so formations are mostly discovered by chance when examining the throat by an otolaryngologist.

A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if the following signs appear, which are secondary symptoms of the disease:

  1. the timbre of the voice changes;
  2. difficulty swallowing food;
  3. throat irritation.

Another symptom of papillomas on the tonsil is a feeling that something is stuck in the throat. In this case, it is pointless to hope that the discomfort will go away on its own; you need to consult a doctor.

Important! Pus plugs may form on the tonsils, which look the same as small lumps above the surface of the mucosa. It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish diseases by external signs. Therefore, you cannot carry out self-diagnosis; if you have the slightest discomfort in the throat or suspicion of papillomas, you should consult a doctor.
  1. Read also what papillomas look like in the mouth

Why do papillomas occur on the tonsils?

HPV 3d model

Papillomas on the tonsil of the throat are caused by the human papillomavirus. There are more than 100 different types of HPV, but only a few strains manifest themselves in the nasopharynx - 6, 11, 30 and a number of others with a low oncogenic factor.

The virus itself can enter the body in various ways; a microcrack is enough for infection. Statistics indicate that the main route of infection is sexual, but the possibility of infection at home and from mother to child cannot be ruled out. These strains can also be transmitted from a carrier to a healthy person at the time of a kiss.

However, the presence of a virus in the body cannot be the only reason for the formation of papillomas. In a healthy person, the immune system suppresses the development of HPV, but a general or local decrease in protective functions leads to the onset of destructive reproduction of viral microorganisms.

Emergence Papillomas on the tonsil provoke:

  1. acute respiratory diseases (papillomas are considered a companion to tonsillitis);
  2. disruption of the endocrine system;
  3. prolonged treatment with antibiotics;
  4. avitaminosis;
  5. bad habits;
  6. failure to comply with the simplest rules of personal hygiene.

Thus, those at risk of discovering tonsil papillomas are young people from 20 to 40 who neglect preventive health measures and regular visits to the doctor, as well as children suffering from frequent sore throats, laryngitis, purulent otitis and other diseases.

Note! Despite the fact that the provoking strain is classified as having a low risk of oncological transformation, papilloma on the tonsil requires immediate treatment. Due to the specific localization of the formation, the risk of injury to the papilloma increases, which means there is a high probability of secondary infection and malignancy.
  1. See also the causes of papillomas in the throat

Methods for treating papillomas on the tonsils of the throat

When determining what treatment a papilloma on the tonsil will require, the doctor must conduct a thorough examination of the formation, and a laryngoscope may be used or microlaryngoscopy may be performed. Without fail, tumor tissues are sent for biopsy to determine their oncogenicity. The human papillomavirus strain is determined using a PCR test. Considering that the disease can spread not only to the tonsils, but also to the vocal cords and larynx, additional X-ray examinations or a computed tomogram may be prescribed. It is mandatory to draw blood to assess the general health of the patient. If the diagnosis of “papilloma on the tonsil” is confirmed, complex treatment is prescribed, including both taking medications to increase the body’s resistance and hardware removal of papillomas

Medicines for tonsil papillomas

Preparations for papillomas on the tonsils

In the photo there are preparations for papillomas on the tonsils of the throat

Before removing papilloma on the tonsil, the body undergoes restorative therapy antiviral and immunostimulating drugs. During the rehabilitation period after removal of the formation, it is also necessary to continue the course of medications. Medicines and their dosage are prescribed by the doctor based on the general health of the patient.

Almost all prescribed medications are sold in pharmacies without a prescription, but this does not mean that you can take them yourself. It is strongly recommended to adhere to doctor's orders.

Most often, papilloma on the tonsil of the throat requires the following medications:

  1. Allokin-Alpha. A means for stimulating the body's protective functions. The drug is quite expensive: in Ukraine its cost reaches 2116 hryvnia, and in Russia - 7450 rubles, so its analogues (Imunorix, Amiksin or Lavomax) are more often used. Such medicines are in the middle price category - up to 800 hryvnia, 1000 rubles.
  2. Groprinosin. An effective antiviral drug with an affordable price (116 hryvnia in Ukraine, 589 rubles in Russia). If the patient is found to be sensitive to the components of the drug, the drug is replaced with its analogues (Amizon, Normomed and others).
We should also not forget about drug treatment of the disease that caused the appearance of papillomas. If, for example, acute respiratory diseases are not eliminated, then papillomas may appear again.

Methods of conservative treatment of papillomas of the palatine tonsil and other locations of formation include X-ray therapy. Short-focus directed beams relieve inflammation and suppress the growth of pathogenic cells. The method is used in extreme cases. The cost of one procedure starts from 900 rubles (350 hryvnia in Ukraine), the therapeutic course includes several procedures.

Removal of papillomas on the tonsils of the throat

Laser removal of papillomas on the tonsil of the throat

Studies show that formations caused by HPV can, in some cases, be reduced on their own. However, such scenarios are typical for children and adolescents.

In an adult, papilloma on the tonsil requires removal in a number of cases:

  1. when respiratory functions are impaired;
  2. if there is a risk of injury to the papilloma;
  3. when there is a possibility of malignancy;
  4. if the formations have taken on a multiple character.

Tonsil papilloma is removed in several ways: laser and radio knife. These methods are used due to their relative painlessness, as well as minimal blood loss. The procedure to remove a formation on the mucous membrane lasts up to half an hour, and after the operation you can go home. The postoperative rehabilitation period lasts up to 2 weeks.

Due to the use of different devices, the cost of procedures differs. Thus, laser removal of papilloma on the tonsil will cost 300 hryvnia (500 rubles) per session; on average, 4 or more sessions of laser destruction are required. And radio wave removal will cost 1,700 hryvnia (4,000 rubles) for the full course.

In advanced conditions, papillomas are removed surgically. Often patients have their tonsils completely removed. The sooner a person consults a doctor, the less likely such an outcome is.

Folk remedies for tonsil papillomas

Echinacea decoction for papillomas on the tonsils

The question of how to remove papillomas on the tonsil using traditional methods is quite specific. Destruction of the formation at home is impossible due to limited visibility, inaccessibility of papilloma, and high sensitivity of the mucous membrane. Attempts to independently remove the structure lead to its injury, as a result, the likelihood of oncological transformation of tissue increases. Thus, you should not trust “grandmother’s” advice when it comes to growths in the oral cavity.

At the same time, traditional medicine recipes can be used to increase the body's protective functions. Stimulates the immune system decoctions of eleutherococcus, lemongrass, echinacea.

You can use unconventional recipes to combat the provoking disease. However, it is better to coordinate the use of any remedy with your doctor.

  1. See also folk remedies for oral administration for papillomas

Prevention of papillomas on the tonsils

Hardening the body

No operation can fully guarantee that tonsil papillomas will not reappear. The reason is simple: the human papillomavirus cannot be completely removed from the body, it can only be suppressed.

To avoid relapse, it is necessary to follow preventive measures:

  1. avoid hypothermia;
  2. do not drink cold drinks;
  3. harden the body;
  4. avoid bad habits;
  5. maintain a nutritious diet;
  6. during the period of colds, support the body with additional vitamin complexes;
  7. maintain oral hygiene.

Read also about the prevention of all types of warts in adults and children.

How to treat papillomas on the tonsil of the throat - watch the video:

Papilloma on the tonsil is a very unpleasant diagnosis, the consequence of which can be the complete removal of lymphoid tissue. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first signs of illness. Timely treatment will allow you to quickly get rid of unpleasant growths, and further preventive measures will preserve overall health.

  1. Related article: Which doctor should I contact for oral papillomas?