Asthmoid syndrome

Asthmoid syndrome (lat. Syndromum asthmaoid), not to be confused with bronchial asthma - (a type of autism or atypical autism with astheno-neurotic syndrome) in which asthenic manifestations (physical, motor and mental) are observed.

Manifests itself in Cotard syndrome in an autistic child (motor skill defect). Asthmonid syndrome is most pronounced at the age of 7-10 years. Asthmoid syndrome develops in children from the 3rd to the 9th year of life, but with the exclusion of the nutritional factor, it is corrected by the end of the 3rd year of life, significantly facilitating the diagnosis of UTI. Symptoms (manifestations of the “syndrome”):

1. The main signs are motor dysfunctions, i.e. motor-dynamic disorders, aesthesia, lack of motivation. This, in turn, is manifested by stereotypical motor skills, violent movements, epileptiform paroxysms, grimacing, coin-shaped gait and shuffling. The most common and persistent signs of the syndrome are rapid, monotonous movements of the feet with possible involvement of the head, torso or arms, as well as stylophonic manifestations. 2. Quite often there are lesions in the motor sphere (autistic “freezing” of the limbs, often at the level of the lower limbs); "tunnel syndrome" in the hands; local cramps with emphasis on the leg muscles (pi