Hepatorenal syndrome

Hepatorenal syndrome (syndromum hepatorenale; synonym: hepatonephritis, hepatonephrosis, hepatorenal syndrome, renal-hepatic syndrome) is a combination of liver and kidney damage, in which liver damage is primary, and renal dysfunction develops as a complication of the underlying disease.

The causes of the syndrome are most often chronic liver diseases, such as cirrhosis of the liver, viral hepatitis, and alcoholic liver disease. The damage to the kidneys is secondary in nature and is caused by a disruption in their blood supply due to increased pressure in the portal vein system, as well as the toxic effect of products of impaired metabolism.

Clinically, the syndrome is manifested by a decrease in glomerular filtration rate, an increase in the level of creatinine and urea in the blood, the development of edema syndrome, and arterial hypotension. Diagnosis is based on the detection of markers of liver damage and biochemical signs of renal failure. Treatment is aimed at correcting the underlying liver disease and preventing the progression of renal dysfunction.

Hepatorenal syndrome is a syndrome characterized by symptoms of liver and kidney dysfunction. This may be due to both physiological changes and pathology.

The causes of hepatorenal syndrome can be different. For example, the liver can become inflamed due to viral hepatitis, toxic substances, alcohol, or autoimmune diseases such as hepatitis C or primary biliary cirrhosis. The kidneys may become functionally depleted due to chronic renal failure, nephrotoxic drugs, hypotension, or pyelonephritis.

Symptoms of hepatorrheal syndrome may include loss of appetite, discoloration of urine and stool, skin rashes, fatigue and abdominal pain. In case of kidney problems, pain in the lumbar region and swelling may be detected.

To diagnose hepatorenal syndrome, it is necessary to conduct a thorough analysis of data from medical examinations and laboratory tests. It is important to see a doctor and start treatment in a timely manner. Drug therapy includes anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral and other drugs, depending on the cause. Comprehensive inpatient treatment, physical rehabilitation and healthy nutrition - proper nutrition and optimization of physical activity, as well as adherence to the regime - will help eliminate the identified hepatological and renal pathology. It is also recommended to undergo rehabilitation therapy to speed up the rehabilitation of patients. Sanatorium-resort treatment is carried out only after consultation with a specialist.

Treatment of heparorenal syndrome should take into account the specifics of each case, including the dynamics of the disease, the patient’s age, his general health, etc. An individual approach to the patient eliminates possible risks and complications, which increases the chances of recovery. Hepotorenal syndrome is a serious pathology, but do not rush to worry. It is important to remember that proper care of your health can reduce the likelihood of this phenomenon occurring. Follow a diet, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and avoid excessive physical and psychological stress. Do not neglect regular medical examinations and preventive examinations. A timely visit to a doctor will help to effectively eliminate the symptoms of the pathology and prevent its progression.

Hepatorenal syndrome (hepatonear syndrome; synonym hepatonephrosis, hepatorenal failure) is a pathological condition characterized by impaired liver and kidney function. Clinical manifestations of the syndrome may include general weakness, anorexia, weight loss, jaundice