Outer Wall of Cavernous Sinus Syndrome

Outer wall cavernous sinus syndrome is a pathological condition in which inflammation or damage occurs in the wall of blood vessels, followed by the formation of blood clots and the development of infectious diseases.

This syndrome can be caused by various reasons, but the main factors influencing its development are injuries, infectious diseases, circulatory disorders and other factors that can lead to impaired blood flow and increased pressure in the vessels. The syndrome of the outer wall of the pecheric sinus is unpleasant for humans, because it can cause the following complications: 1. Deterioration of vision; 2. Acute cerebrovascular accident; 3. Attachment of a bacterial infection; 4. Cerebral edema; 5. Encephalitis. In addition, increased pressure can lead to rupture of the walls of blood vessels and bleeding. In addition to the above complications, Nahurpa syndrome of pecheritis sinusitis also causes pain and difficulty in jaw movements. Sometimes this can lead to the development of neurological disorders. To diagnose outer wall syndrome, a blood test and imaging tests, such as computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, are used to diagnose outer wall syndrome.

External wall cavernous sinus syndrome (hereinafter referred to as SNSCS) is a disease or syndrome in which damage to the structures of the venous lining of the cavernous and cavernous sinuses occurs. This is a rare condition, its incidence in the world literature is described as either 2 patients per million or 4 patients per 80,000