Opercular syndrome

Opercular syndrome (syndromum operculare) is a neurological syndrome that occurs when the operculum (tegmentum of the insula) of the cerebrum is damaged.

The cause of the syndrome is tumors, ischemia, hemorrhages and other damage to the operculum. Clinically manifested by speech disorders in the form of motor aphasia, as well as mild hemiparesis on the contralateral half of the body. Swallowing and chewing problems may also occur.

Diagnosis of opercular syndrome is based on anamnesis, clinical picture and neuroimaging data (CT, MRI), which make it possible to identify the lesion in the area of ​​the operculum. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause and symptomatic therapy. The prognosis depends on the etiology and extent of brain damage. With timely diagnosis and treatment, in some cases it is possible to restore impaired functions.

Opercular syndrome

Opercular syndrome is one of the most common syndromes in medical practice, which is characterized by a number of specific signs and symptoms associated with dysfunction of the external ear, organ of vision and nervous system. These symptoms can appear either alone or in combination with other syndromes. This article will discuss the concept of opercular syndrome, its characteristics and possible complications.

General information about opercular syndrome

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