Axillary Nerve Syndrome

Axillary nerve syndrome: Causes, symptoms and treatment

Axillary nerve syndrome, also known as axillary nerve syndrome, is a medical condition associated with damage to the axillaris nerve, which runs through the armpit. This nerve is responsible for innervation of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and the skin in the armpit area.

The causes of axillary nerve syndrome can be varied. One of the most common causes is nerve compression due to compression or injury in the armpit. This can occur as a result of injury, strained shoulder muscles, repetitive movements, or prolonged compression of the nerve. Axillary nerve syndrome can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as arthritis, tumors, or infections.

Symptoms of axillary nerve syndrome can vary depending on the extent of damage to the nerve. One of the most common symptoms is numbness or tingling in the armpit and upper arm. Patients may also experience shoulder muscle weakness, which leads to limited movement and decreased functionality of the shoulder joint. In some cases, pain may occur, which may be localized in the armpit or spread throughout the upper limb.

Diagnosis of axillary nerve syndrome includes a medical examination, patient history and additional instrumental studies such as electromyography (EMG) and neurography. These methods can determine the extent of nerve damage and identify other possible causes of symptoms.

Treatment for axillary nerve syndrome depends on its cause and the extent of the damage. In most cases, conservative treatment is the first line of therapy. This may include wearing special orthoses to support the shoulder girdle, physical therapy to strengthen muscles and improve mobility, and the use of anti-inflammatory and pain medications. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to relieve nerve compression or repair damaged structures.

Prevention of axillary nerve syndrome includes maintaining proper ergonomics and movement technique when performing everyday tasks, especially those involving the shoulder girdle. Regular exercise to strengthen the shoulder and back muscles may also help reduce the risk of developing the syndrome. If you are experiencing symptoms related to the axillary nerve, it is recommended that you consult a doctor for diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Axillary nerve syndrome is a serious condition that can limit the functionality of the shoulder and lead to significant discomfort. However, with proper diagnosis, treatment and preventative measures, most patients can achieve improvement and restoration of normal shoulder function.

What is Axillary Nerve Syndrome?

Axillary nerve syndrome is a peripheral nervous system disorder that causes pain, numbness, and other symptoms in the armpit area. It is associated with damage to the branch of the axillary nerve, which is responsible for the innervation of this area. This nerve supplies the muscle that elevates the scapula, as well as the skin over it