Superior Renal Calyx Syndrome

Superior renal calyx syndrome is a rare and complex disease that is associated with dysfunction of the kidneys and other organs. In the article we will consider risk factors, causes of the syndrome, as well as methods of treatment and prevention.

What is superior renal tea syndrome? Superior renal calyx syndrome is when the function of one or both lower calyces of the kidneys is impaired. In this case, there is back pain, body temperature rises, weakness, cramps occur, severe pain and even anemia are possible. Risk factors have not yet been identified and recommendations for the prevention of the disease have not been developed. It is most often diagnosed in middle-aged and elderly men, although it can also occur in women.

Superior renal calyx syndrome is a fairly rare, but quite dangerous disease that can lead to serious consequences and even death. Let's consider the main aspects of this disease.

Superior renal cup syndrome is a bilateral sclerosis of the renal parenchyma. It appears as a result of inflammation of the upper calyces of the kidneys. In addition, there are many factors that contribute to the development of this syndrome.

For example, these include: - severe forms of pyelonephritis (an inflammatory process occurring in the kidney tissue); - acute interstitial nephropathy with glomerulonephritis;