Syntony Regressive

Regressive syntony is increased sociability, frankness and willingness to express one’s inner state to others, despite the fact that the patient can touch on topics that are considered intimate. This phenomenon occurs in the last stages of schizophrenia, but is not natural for each stage of the disease; the development of this problem can also be observed in the initial stages. Thus, the patient can stop showing embarrassment towards the interlocutor, as well as

Syntonic regression is increased sociability, frankness, the ability to pour out one’s experiences, sometimes quite intimate, to others, without taking into account one’s own position and situation. It is observed in patients with developed schizophrenia. It is determined not so much by the personal characteristics of the sufferer, but by the environment in which he finds himself (especially in a hospital or boarding house).

Syntonic regression accompanies the negativity syndrome characteristic of schizophrenia. In the later stages, the syndromic aspect itself begins to lose its expressiveness. The syntonic background begins to dominate, “bypassing” other manifestations. The peculiarity is that due to elements of negativism, some phenomena of the initial (at the initial stage) level of emotional pathology begin to be intertwined. In this regard, diagnostic