
Syphaciosis Overview of the disease Syphaciosis is the name given to a whole class of skin diseases that is caused by the causative agent of feline lichen. Ringworm (or in other words, ringworm) is characterized by an inflammatory process of the skin, cracking, layering of scales on the damaged area and disruption of the integrity of the epidermis or stratum corneum itself. Regardless of the type of pathogen caused, the clinical picture and treatment methods are generally very similar.

The most widespread causative agent of the disease is a fungus (ringworm), less common is the microorganism Microsporum Norwegian, and Microsporum of the hair follicle type. Less common are cases of saprotrophic invasion, that is, a fungus that lives on the surface of the earth or in ashes (saprotrophs do not cause skin diseases in humans). For some types of pathogen, a careful examination of a microscopic scale or piece of affected and healthy skin using a magnifying glass helps diagnose the disease. The same pathogens often infect domestic cats and dogs, and transmission occurs when animals are placed near a sick person or animal. The disease is sometimes transmitted to humans through objects that have a certain smoothness (claws - both live and ordinary, as well as smoothly polished items made of wood or fabric).

Regardless of the manifestations of the disease, you should consult a doctor! Treatment of sifation at home is not recommended, since even when the symptoms of the disease are satisfactory and there are no acute manifestations, there is a real threat of irreversible and serious damage to the skin and soft tissues.