Syringobulbia [Syringobulbia; Syringo (Myelia) + Anat. Barbers. Bulbils Medullae Continuum Ice]

Syringobulbia is a variant of syringomyelopathy (syringo(myel) + Greek anat. bulbils - medulla oblongata), characterized by damage to this part of the brain. Syringobulbia is also called “syringobulbism” or “syringobulbar myelopathy.”

Symptoms of syringobulbia manifest themselves as a dissociated sensory disorder on the face (in Zelder's areas) and gradually progressive signs of bulbar paralytic weakness. It can be caused by various reasons, such as genetic factors, infections, trauma or tumors.

Treatment for syringobulbia may include medication, surgery, or a combination of these methods. However, because the disease usually progresses slowly, treatment may be required for a long time.

Overall, syringobulbia should be considered a serious medical problem that requires prompt recognition and treatment to prevent further deterioration of the patient's health.

Syringobullia is a rare disease that is characterized by damage to the brain (medulla oblongata), which leads to splitting of sensitivity and disruption of the facial muscles and organs of articulation.

Often this syndrome has no apparent cause. But often the disease manifests itself after infectious diseases. In some cases, the cause may also be hidden in a weakened immune system, the presence of chronic pathologies such as hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, and cirrhosis of the liver.

Main symptoms:

- Mutism. People with a myelin bulla in their face practically do not express their thoughts. The appearance of those suffering from this disease is unbearable. They rarely look into the eyes of the person they are talking to. Their gaze is fleeting; - Dysarthria. The diagnosis of syringobullia indicates the possible presence of communication failures. Due to speech impairment, patients independently suffer from their incapacity, the insecurity complex manifests itself much faster; - Sensitivity disorder. Sometimes people can easily sit hungry without noticing it, but if you ask them to cook dinner or lunch, they will do it. There is a literal adherence to assigned goals, lack of initiative, dysfunction of the will;

Consequences may indicate low self-esteem, problems with performance, anxiety due to one’s condition: people experience