
Dioscorides says: “Some people call it sirish, since it is a plant from which glue is obtained. It is well known; its leaves are like the leaves of the Syrian leek, it has a smooth stem called antarikun, and on its top sits a flower. The original text is distorted; Wed Dioscorides, ; "Pharmacognosy" No. Sirish roots are long, round, resembling large acorns in shape. The property of roots is hot.

Hot in the first degree.


Tumors and acne.
If you mix it with oatmeal, it helps against hot tumors at the beginning of their formation.

In the form of a medicinal dressing, it helps against contaminated malignant ulcers, against ulcerated wounds and abscesses and against fire burns.

A medicinal bandage made from sirisha ash grows hair in case of “Fox” disease; The sore spot is first rubbed with a woolen rag. If, while in the sun, you rub the area affected by white bahak with a rag and then smear it with the root of this plant with vinegar, it will reduce the bahak.

Organs of the head.
Sirish in its pure form or mixed with incense, honey, wine and myrrh, if slightly warmed and put into the ear on the opposite side of the painful tooth, soothes the pain. The juice of its root, boiled in a mixture with old sweet wine and myrrh, is a medicine for the ears.

Organs of the eye.
This same composition is also an excellent remedy for various eye pains.

Breast organs.
If you drink two bowls of sirish with grape must, it helps with pain in the sides, cough and muscle weakness: boiled in wine grounds and applied as a medicinal bandage, it is very helpful against tumors of the female breast.

Eruption organs.
One mithqal of sirish by weight, drunk in grape must, drives away urine and menstruation.

They give it to drink in the amount of three mithqals by weight, and it helps against the bite of reptiles. Its leaves, if applied as a medicinal bandage, are also useful against reptile bites. If you drink its fruits and flowers in wine, it brings great benefits to a scorpion bite.