Scarlet fever puerperal

Scarlet fever pueraa is an acute infectious disease caused by group A hemolytic streptococcus. It mainly affects women in the postpartum period. Characterized by fever, skin manifestations and intoxication.

Puera is part of Latin, derived from the Latin "puero", meaning "child". Therefore, the first word present in the name of the disease is "puer" - "child", and "perperum" is the ending meaning "lasting" or "posthumous". Thus, the full medical term for scarlet fever pueroculal is translated as “postpartum scarlet fever-like infection.” This explains the susceptibility of this disease to the female body during the postpartum period.

Key causes of scarlet fever puerola are associated with an early childhood history of infection. Children suffer more than adults because they are susceptible to infection due to their weakened immune system. In this article, we will look at the infection, its symptoms, signs and treatments.

Symptoms of scarlatina pu'er

According to WHO information, scarlet fever