Skin Shiny

Glossy skin is a term that describes the condition of the skin when it appears shiny and glossy. This effect can be caused by various factors, such as increased sebum production, insufficient cleansing of the skin, the use of harsh cosmetics, or problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this article we will look at the main causes of shiny skin and methods for eliminating it.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of glossy skin is the high activity of the sebaceous glands. When the sebaceous glands produce too much sebum, the skin becomes shiny. This happens because the fat that is released from the sebaceous glands does not have time to be completely removed from the skin and accumulates on the surface. High sebum levels can also lead to acne and other skin problems.

Another reason for shiny skin may be improper skin cleansing. Some people may exfoliate their skin too aggressively or frequently, which can damage the skin's protective barrier and increase sebum production. It is also important to use gentle and moisturizing cleansers.

Using cosmetics can also cause shiny skin. Some products contain high levels of oils and fats, which can accumulate on the skin and cause it to become shiny. Also, some cosmetic products may have a rough texture or may not be suitable for your specific skin type, which can also cause a shiny appearance. It is important to choose cosmetics that suit your skin type and do not cause negative reactions.