Sclerosis of the Lungs

**Pulmonary sclerosis** (pneumosclerosis) is an irreversible change in the lung tissue, which primarily affects the interalveolar connective tissue, causing limitation of respiratory function. At the same time, the structure of the alveoli is preserved. In the acute stage of the disease, the pulmonary vessels change, the interalvelar membrane thickens diffusely, and detritus can be detected in the lumen of the alveoli. Then the connective tissue fibers grow into the parenchyma, causing structural degeneration of the alveolar walls. Bronchiectasis develops, and as a result, cirrhosis is created. Pneumosclerosis is manifested by deterioration of respiratory function, cough, hemoptysis, and hypoxia. Differential diagnosis is carried out with bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, pneumoconiosis.

**Definition of the symptom of pulmonary sclerosis**. It can be identified on your own, but in many cases it is quite difficult. It is characterized by the following symptoms: - cough; - hemoptysis; - shortness of breath during exercise, weight loss. In adult patients with pulmonary sclerosis, peribronchial thickening and kyphosis of the chest are noted. The lower lobes of the lung are most often affected. *Symptoms of pulmonary sclerosis in children*: - pallor of the skin. - enlarged liver and spleen. - neurological symptoms.