
Scrofulus, also known as scrofulus, is a disease that is associated with inflammation of the lymph nodes located in the armpit and neck. This disease is often called "scrofula" because it can lead to fever and severe headache. There are many risk factors for developing scrofulus, including chronic infection of the tonsils or respiratory tract.

Treatment for scrofula involves the use of antibiotics and other medications to reduce inflammation and infections. However, the presence of scrofula does not mean that you need to take antibiotics immediately, as some diseases may be associated with a hidden infection. People who have chronic diseases should consult a doctor for advice about scrofula treatment.

Crowfall pain was quite common in the Middle Ages, when inflammation of the lymph glands was a real epidemic. As a result of this, many traditional methods of treatment arose, part of which were compresses - cold or hot, as well as special