Dementia Relative

Dementia Relative

What is “Dementia” People who have varying degrees of mental illness, including mental retardation and intellectual development disorders, can be called feeble-minded. The weak-minded are incapable of independently meeting the needs of life. A number of synonyms for the outdated term are idiocy, insanity, dementia. A synonym for dementia, senile dementia, means the acquired loss of memory or other intellectual abilities during maturity and old age (from the World Encyclopedia).

Many people are interested in the question: does “absolute dementia” exist, are there people absolutely stupid? If we deeply study this phenomenon, we can say one thing: there are no absolutely full-fledged people, but there are those who are given more by nature and others less. There are quite a few geniuses in the world who manage to break the psyche of themselves and those around them.

There are such “people”, I can’t call them anything else, who take advantage of their friend and, being healthier and smarter, humiliate him in every possible way, insult him, deceive him and play on his feelings only for their own benefit. Think about it, have you ever seen something like this? Now imagine what such a person can do to you if you suddenly decide to get rid of him because this is a “holy” person, you need to love him, and not demand to be fairly punished for what he does? Agree that it is simply a sin not to do this and not to mock such a person.