Traces of ulcers and smallpox

All the strong remedies we have mentioned help with mild traces of ulcers. Among the proven remedies against this, mentioned in books, are donkey fat, squeezed juice of fresh cane roots with a small amount of honey, basil with salt for dough, mixed until thick with bee honey and footstep decoction - this is a proven remedy.

A medicinal dressing of this kind also helps: take orris root, bush, washed lead oxide, burnt deer antler, bavrak, usshak and old manure, pound and use even against namsha and freckles.

They also take up to ten parts of old decayed white manure and rotten bones, twenty dry reed roots, ten new baked clay, ten starch, five lupines, ten peeled melon seeds and peeled rice, ten chickpea flour, ten seeds. bana - fifteen, all this is mixed with barley water and spread, and if you add bush, myrrh and aristolochia - ten parts each - it will be even better.