Descending Point

The lacrimal punctum (punctum lacrimale) is a small opening or opening at the edge of the eyelid that serves to collect tears and direct them into the tear ducts. It may also be called PNA (nasal lacrimal passage), BNA (basal nasal apparatus), or JNA (juxta-nasal apparatus).

The punctum is an important part of the lacrimal system, which helps maintain eye health and prevent various diseases. When the eye is irritated or when a person cries, tears collect in the lacrimal puncta. They are then directed into the lacrimal canals and further into the lacrimal gland, where they continue their journey into the nasal cavity. Here they wipe the nasal passages and protect the body from various infections.

When the lacrimal opening becomes diseased or clogged, a disease called dacryocystitis may occur. This condition is characterized by inflammation of the tear gland and can lead to pain and redness around the eye, as well as purulent discharge.

To treat dacryocystitis, antibiotics and punctal massage are usually used. In some cases, surgery may be required to remove obstructions in the tear ducts or repair the tear duct.

In conclusion, the punctum is a small but important element of the lacrimal system that helps maintain eye health and protect the body from infections. Therefore, if you notice any problems with your tear duct, be sure to contact your doctor for medical help.