Slow Healing (Indolent)

Slowly healing (indolent) - this term is used to describe a long-term, slowly passing disease. It is especially often used in relation to ulcers of the skin or mucous membranes.

Ulcers described as “slow-healing” are characterized by a protracted course, lasting weeks or months. They can occur in various areas of the skin and mucous membranes - the mouth, nose, eyes, genitals and other places.

Characteristic signs of slow-healing ulcers:

  1. Slow flow. Ulcers do not heal for a very long time, the process of tissue regeneration is extremely slow.

  2. Chronic inflammation. An inflammatory reaction occurs, but it is sluggish and does not bring relief.

  3. Soreness. Ulcers are often accompanied by pain.

  4. Scanty discharge. A small scanty exudate is characteristic.

  5. Tissue vulnerability. The tissue around the ulcer is easily injured and bleeds.

  6. Chronic relapsing course. Ulcers tend to recur frequently.

Diagnosis of slow-healing ulcers is based on a thorough examination and exclusion of malignant neoplasms. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the root cause using local agents that improve regeneration. The prognosis depends on the etiology of the ulcer. With timely treatment, such ulcers usually heal, although slowly.

Meaning of the word "slow-healing" Slow-healing or chronic diseases are diseases that are characterized by a long period of development of symptoms, slow reduction of inflammation, disease progression and frequent relapses.

Many such diseases affect the skin, as well as mucous membranes, so “slow healing” can refer to both the skin and any organ. Either way, this means that recovery will be difficult. The main reasons for this condition: - insufficient production of immune cells - monocytes, macrophages, granulocytes; - weakening of the functions of regulatory cells;

Slowly healing (indolent). Process description. Fast-healing wounds have a healing time of several days to several weeks, while non-healing wounds can take months or even years to heal. At the first stage of healing, wounds are divided into slowly healing phases