Snow Creatures

Making snowmen is a common thing. But do you make Snow Maidens, little snowmen, snow dogs, cats or turtles? This is a good thing to do if several people are involved in the creative process, then you can sculpt a snow family or a whole zoo of snow inhabitants. If you want people passing by to admire your creation even more, then dress up your snowmen. A hat and scarf are quite traditional decorations for snowmen, but what do you think about tying a scarf on your Snow Maiden’s head or putting on a large lady’s hat? She might need a kitchen apron and a wooden spoon. If you like to shop, buy a few very inexpensive items specifically to use for your snowmen after the next big snowfall. If you are playing in the snow with very small children, make the snowmen small too, so as not to tire the child. You can also try to make a turtle, for this you need to sculpt a dome-shaped shape out of snow, reminiscent of a turtle shell, and attach four small legs, a head and a tail to it.