Sodium Benzoate

Sodium benzoate is diethyl ester of anisic acid. Popular as an expectorant due to enhancing the secretion of bronchial glands and improving the mucolytic properties of sputum. As a medicine, it was included in the 27th issue of the State Pharmacopoeia of the USSR under the name sodium salt of benzoic acid and is described in three forms - aqueous, alcoholic and rosin (oil for injection). The international nonproprietary name for sodium benzoate (INN) is Sodium benzoate. It enters medical institutions directly from the state pharmacopoeial system, along with other chemical reagents designed to solve specific medical problems - checking asepsis, monitoring microflora and determining the presence of purulent discharge in wounds, identifying dermatophytes, quality control of intravenous solutions. Belongs to the pharmacological group XFA - drugs that stimulate the secretion of the respiratory tract, within which it is located in the highest department from the point of view of medical use - “Drugs,