Solcoderm - a drug for removing papillomas and warts

The content of the article:
  1. Description of the drug
  2. The benefits of Solcoderm for papillomas
  3. Instructions for use
  4. Contraindications
  5. Results of use
  6. Real reviews about Solcoderm

Solcoderm is a drug whose mechanism of action is based on cauterizing properties. It causes necrosis of the treated epidermis and is used to remove benign tumors caused by the human papillomavirus.

Description of the drug "Solcoderm" for papillomas and warts

In the photo Solcoderm for papillomas and warts

The locally necrotizing drug Solcoderm for papillomas is considered quite effective among dermatologists and cosmetologists involved in the removal of growths caused by various types of HPV. The drug contains a complex of potent acids that burn out the area with epidermal tumors. That is why it is recommended to use this product within the walls of medical institutions or beauty salons. Although dermatologists allow it to be used at home if the instructions for use of Solcoderm are strictly followed.

It is used to treat the following benign skin lesions: common papillomas, plantar warts, genital warts, keratoses.

The composition of the drug "Solcoderm" includes:

  1. Acetic acid (99%) 41.1 mg. A product synthesized by the fermentation of sugars and alcohols. It is an active participant in the metabolic processes of the human body. A concentration of 70-80% is called essence. It is a colorless liquid with a very sour taste and pungent odor. Has extremely high reactivity. It is a flammable liquid of the third hazard class. Any nonspecific contact of the epidermis with this compound leads to severe chemical burns.
  2. Nitric acid (70%) 580.7 mg. It is one of the strongest monobasic acids. It has a very pungent suffocating odor. It is extremely sensitive to light and decomposes when exposed directly to it. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to store Solcoderm at home away from sunlight. The solvent power of this compound is so great that when mixed with hydrochloric acid, it can even dissolve metals, in particular platinum and gold.
  3. Oxalic acid (as dihydrate form) 57.4 mg. A chemical compound that appears as colorless crystals that dissolve in water. Refers to medium-strong organic acids. It is synthesized during oxalic acid fermentation. It is considered a flammable, highly toxic and particularly poisonous chemical reagent.
  4. Lactic acid (90%) 4.5 mg. It is synthesized during the enzymatic lactic acid fermentation of sugars. It is non-toxic and biologically safe. It has good solubility in water and high hygroscopicity. It is presented as a colorless solution with a specific odor.
  5. Copper nitrate (as trihydrate form) 48 mcg. An inorganic substance that is a salt of copper and nitric acid. They are colorless hygroscopic crystals that, when absorbing moisture from the atmosphere, acquire a blue color. It dissolves well in water and alcohols. A conditionally toxic substance that causes irritation of the epidermis, and if it gets into the eyes, clouding of the cornea.

The drug is available in the form of a clear, colorless solution, ampoules of 0.2 ml. Packaged in cardboard packaging. The package includes a plastic applicator and glass capillaries.

Solcoderm price — from 662 rubles in Russia (from 471 hryvnia in Ukraine).

Analogues of Solkoderm are Verrukatsid, Maxivart, Duofilm, Vartox, Superchistotel, Aldara (read Aldara's contraindications). However, these drugs are not direct analogues that repeat the composition, but those that, according to the manufacturers, can cause a similar effect in terms of removing tumors.

The benefits of Solcoderm for papillomas

For the treatment of skin tumors, a minimum therapeutic dose of the drug "Solcoderm" is used. This avoids the absorption of harmful components by the body.

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The action of this tool is based on the following processes:

  1. Cauterization of cells. Strong acids cause chemical burns to the tissues of the neoplasm. After Solcoderm, cellular integrity is destroyed, it literally turns the papilloma into a wound.
  2. Tissue necrosis. After cauterization, cell death occurs. The epidermis becomes unviable. It may become dry, black, or viscous with a yellowish tint.
  3. Antiseptic treatment. Necrotic tissues are a fertile environment for the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which inhibit the healing process. Therefore, the process of wound disinfection is especially important.
  4. Mummification of the growth. Without receiving nutrition, the wound gradually mummifies, which prepares the neoplasm for detachment.
  5. Scab detachment. It occurs without the use of mechanical forces. The papilloma may go away immediately, or it may peel off gradually.

Instructions for use of Solcoderm for papillomas and warts

To treat benign formations, you will need an ampoule of the drug Solcoderm and an applicator or capillary, which are included in the kit. The applicator is a special plastic stick that has a blunt end on one side and a sharp end on the other. A capillary is a glass rod used like a pipette.

If a small papilloma is to be removed, then before treating it with the medicine it should be washed with soap and water and dried with a terry towel. If you plan to remove an old spine, you need to steam it in hot water and cut off as much of the keratinized cutaneous part as possible with nail scissors. After this, it is also necessary to thoroughly dry the tumor.

Treat the skin around the papilloma, as well as the papilloma itself, with alcohol. After a couple of minutes, when the alcohol has completely evaporated, spread the skin near the wart with zinc ointment, this will help protect it if the drug gets on the healthy epidermis. After this, you can begin treatment with Solcoderm for warts.

Instructions for use:

  1. Carefully open the ampoule with the drug.
  2. Take the applicator and dip it into the ampoule with the product.
  3. Allow the remaining drug to drain so that it does not spill onto the skin, but targets the neoplasms.
  4. If the treatment area is small, use the sharp end of the applicator; if it is large, use the blunt end. If you are struggling with extensive papilloma, use a capillary.
  5. When treating papillomas fused into a halo, no more than 3 lesions with a total area of ​​up to 3 cm can be treated at a time2. Repeated processing is allowed only after a month.
  6. Apply a drop of the drug to the growth. Distribute the liquid over the entire area of ​​the neoplasm.

After treating papilloma with Solcoderm, it should first acquire a whitish tint, and then become pale gray-yellow. If this effect is not achieved, repeat the treatment. But no more than 2-3 times in 1 session. Pour out the remaining product and discard the ampoule.

Doctors note that not only the treatment of the tumor with the drug is no less important, but also the post-manipulation period. At this stage, it is important not to mechanically injure the papilloma. The next day after using Solcoderm, a brown crust should appear. If it does not appear, repeat the treatment with the medicine after a week. After 3-7 days, this crust should fall off along with the papilloma. It is important not to apply any mechanical force to the wound. It should not be steamed or rubbed with pumice, but it is better to limit all contact with water for a day. Treating the growth with alcohol 2-3 times a day will not harm. This will speed up the mummification process.

Contraindications to the use of Solcoderm

Solcoderm belongs to the category of very aggressive solutions, so its use has a number of warnings and contraindications. Let's start with absolute contraindications. These include the use of Solcoderm for malignant neoplasms and a tendency to tissue scarring.

The following persons should not use the product:

  1. Children under 5 years old. Delicate baby skin has a slightly different structure than adult skin. This also applies to neoplasms. The burn area can be much deeper than the growth on a child's skin, which can result in a widespread chemical burn. In addition, spot treatment cannot be guaranteed for children, since during the use of the drug they may get scared and twitch, which will also lead to negative consequences on healthy skin.
  2. For allergy sufferers. The use of Solcoderm for condylomas, papillomas, warts and other neoplasms can cause a number of side effects that can significantly aggravate the patient’s tendency to allergic reactions. That is why it is extremely necessary to conduct a spot test in people prone to allergies. In case of an increased response to the drug, its use is stopped immediately, the treated area is washed with plenty of warm water, and the patient seeks medical help as further necessary. In the event of rapid and serious allergic reactions, which include darkening of the eyes, suffocation, dizziness, and others, you should immediately contact an ambulance.
According to Solcoderm's instructions, use in pregnant women is permitted if the benefits of treatment outweigh the risks of using the product.

Nursing mothers can use the product only if the neoplasm is not being treated on the chest or arms.

There are no restrictions on the use of the drug in elderly people.

When using Solcoderm, you must follow these important rules:

  1. Do not apply the drug to acne, nevi, vitiligo, moles.
  2. Do not use for removing freckles and keloid scars.
  3. It is not recommended to use the product on the face, as a chemical burn can leave an epidermal defect.
  4. The solution should be used with extreme caution to treat tumors located near the mucous membranes, genitals, anus, and eyes.

Results of using Solcoderm for papillomas and warts

Acid-based drugs are the most popular drugs for the treatment of benign tumors caused by the human papillomavirus. They have proven themselves well as a conservative therapy for neoplasms.

According to the manufacturer of Solcoderm, small papillomas disappear within 2-3 days after treatment with the drug. The larger ones will separate within a week.

Complete cure occurs within 2-4 months after using the product. At this time, it is recommended not to expose the skin in the treatment areas to ultraviolet radiation, both natural and in solariums.

Solcoderm rarely causes tissue scarring. But even in this case, healing proceeds satisfactorily, without being accompanied by infection.

Real reviews about the use of Solcoderm for papillomas

Solcoderm has collected enough reviews from both patients and doctors. Most of them can be found on the Internet. It is noted that about 80% of them are positive. There are neutral opinions. But sharply negative reviews are extremely rare and concern mainly those cases where the drug caused harm due to non-compliance with the rules set out in the instructions.

Olga, 32 years old

I decided to use Solcoderm during pregnancy. After the first trimester, a huge number of papillomas formed under the breasts, armpits and neck. The gynecologist and dermatologist advised me to deal with this problem after the birth of the child. But if pregnant women get something into their head, then there is no peace, neither day nor night. After consulting with doctors, I decided to buy Solcoderm. A dermatologist helped me do the treatment under the breasts. And after two weeks, I removed it on my armpits and neck at home myself in front of the mirror. I'm very pleased with the effect. Although at first it looked a little scary: the warts turned white, then turned yellow, then turned black and then fell off. There were no traces left at the site of their attachment to the skin. I calmed down and happily began to wait for my baby.

Margarita, 46 years old

The doctor advised me to treat condyloma with Solcoderm. I was very worried, because the place is specific. On the one hand, I was afraid that there would be no trace left, on the other hand, I was afraid that the doctor would miss and get acid in the eye. Fortunately, the treatment was very easy, simple, quick and painless. The doctor literally applied a drop of the drug and distributed it throughout the condyloma. It disappeared within a week. I was very glad that I lost this defect, which attracted the attention of all my friends and strangers, my work colleagues. But, of course, I would not recommend anyone to carry out such processing on their own. This requires very high precision. The fact that I have already developed such a growth indicates the presence of the human papillomavirus in my blood, and I suspect that over time there will be new formations. Then, without hesitation, I will again resort to the help of Solcoderm.

Valentina, 53 years old

Frankly speaking, all I could think about when I opened the package of medicine at home was the great desire to cure papillomas in one use. A dermatologist advised me to buy this particular drug. He said that of all analogues it is in greatest demand. The price is quite high, and the fact that this is an ampoule, that is, the drug cannot be closed and used over time, really bothered me. I watched a video about Solcoderm and the algorithm for using this product, and then treated my old spine. Still, I closed the ampoule with cotton wool. After 2 days I processed it again. Luckily, I was able to cure my old wart. Therefore, I definitely recommend the drug. If it helped on such a large spine, then, for sure, it can deal with small papillomas and warts even faster and easier.

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How to use Solcoderm for papillomas - watch the video:

Solcoderm is an effective remedy for benign neoplasms. But the doctor must make sure that they are of good quality before starting treatment. Therefore, when starting to fight against growths, visit the office of a dermatologist or oncologist to clearly draw up a treatment plan.

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