
A solarium (from Latin solarium - “sunny”) is a room for artificial tanning procedures.

In a solarium, ultraviolet radiation is used as a radiation source. Ultraviolet radiation can be natural or artificial. Natural ultraviolet radiation appears in sunlight, and artificial radiation occurs in a solarium.

Solariums can be of different types: horizontal, vertical, cabin, outdoor. They can also have different levels of radiation intensity, which allows you to choose the most suitable option for each person.

To protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, special filters are used in tanning salons. They can be either open or closed, but in any case, they must be of high quality and safe.

Also, solariums can use various additional functions, such as music, aromatherapy, massage and others. However, before using a tanning bed, you should consult your doctor and follow all safety instructions.

A solarium is a room for artificial or natural sunbathing, where special lamps are used that emit visible light, infrared and ultraviolet radiation. While tanning beds are popular places for relaxation and relaxation, they can also pose health risks.

Artificial sunbathing in a tanning bed can lead to sunburn and other skin damage, especially if a person does not know how to use a tanning bed properly. Ultraviolet radiation that comes from lamps can cause skin cancer and other serious diseases.

Natural sunbathing, such as relaxing on the beach or in a park, can also be dangerous if you don't follow safety rules. For example, you should not stay in the sun for too long, as this can lead to heatstroke and other health problems.

To avoid health problems associated with tanning beds and sunbathing, you need to follow a few rules. Firstly, before using a solarium, you should consult your doctor and make sure that you have no contraindications to ultraviolet radiation. Secondly, you should not stay in the solarium for too long, especially if you are not confident in your capabilities. Third, after using a tanning bed, you should apply sunscreen to your skin to protect it from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

In general, tanning beds and natural sunbathing can be safe as long as you follow safety guidelines and consult your doctor before using them.

Sunlight is used for tanning and skin rejuvenation. Natural sunlight, also known as ultraviolet (UV), consists of electromagnetic waves with wavelengths ranging from 90 nm to 300 nm. UV rays can cause premature skin aging and other health problems, so use natural sunlight with caution. Artificial light does not penetrate glass and the material in the glass. An artificial tanning bed uses special lamps to create intense but harmless artificial ultraviolet light. This light is different from that emitted by the sun; it does not penetrate through glass. LED lamps are widely used in beauty salons and tanning studios. Unlike conventional lamps,