Consciousness of the Wholeness of I

Consciousness of the integrity of the self refers to the feeling of inner unity and harmony that is present in each of us. This feeling, based on awareness of all aspects of a person's life, can only arise when he is in harmony and balance. The article will discuss the main aspects of the consciousness of the integrity of the “I”.

Consciousness of the integrity of the self is associated with the concept of authenticity, which implies

Consciousness of the integrity of the “I” is an individual awareness of one’s unity and interconnectedness of all types of one’s mental activity. It is impaired in certain mental illnesses. Consciousness of the whole “I”, or the unity and interconnection of the psyche is the result of knowing oneself and determining one’s place and purpose, one’s role in the world around us.

Consciousness of the integrity of one’s “I” contributes to the development of personality, filling life with meaning and gaining stability. Such consciousness allows a person to clearly define his boundaries and his identity. It also includes values ​​and ideals. As a result, he is able to correctly evaluate himself and the world around him, based on information obtained as a result of self-knowledge.