Lip adhesions

Labial adhesion (labiorum adhesio) is a clinical term used to describe a condition in which the lips and oral mucosa become adherent (glued) to each other. This condition can be due to various reasons and cause certain symptoms such as discomfort, difficulty speaking and even disruption of the normal functioning of the body. In this article we will look at lip adhesion, the causes of its occurrence, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this condition.

Causes of lip adhesion. There are quite a few reasons for the occurrence of adhesions - mechanical damage (as a result of postoperative treatment, dental procedures, fractures, etc.), chemical effects (reaction to treatment with chemicals), autoimmune diseases (Sjögren's syndrome, generalized vasculitis, various types of polyneuropathy), diseases of the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract (diseases associated with disruption of the salivary glands in gastrointestinal diseases), senile changes, etc. Adhesions can also occur as a result of injury or improper care of the teeth and mouth. Symptoms of lip adhesion Symptoms of lip adhesion include: 1. Impaired lip movement when chewing and speaking 2. Increasing pain in the spa area