Spike of the Lower Knolls

The commissure of the inferior colliculi (CI) is an anatomical structure located on the posterior surface of the brain. It is a thin plate connecting the inferior colliculi of the midbrain with the roof of the posterior cranial fossa.

SPNK plays an important role in the regulation of motor functions and coordination of movements. It transmits signals from the inferior colliculi to the roof of the posterior cranial fossa, where the motor control centers are located.

The SPNC consists of several layers of neurons that form synaptic connections with other brain structures. These connections allow the transmission of information about body position and movement, as well as sensory signals coming from the senses.

Impaired functioning of the SPNC can lead to various movement disorders, such as impaired balance, coordination of movements, and problems with motor skills. For example, if the SPNK is damaged, a person may experience an imbalance between the work of antagonistic muscles, which can lead to a fall or loss of balance.

In general, the SPNC is an important brain structure that is involved in the regulation of motor activity and coordination of human movements. Its violation can lead to serious consequences for people's health and quality of life.

The inferior colliculus is an anatomical structure located in the lower parts of the skull. It plays an important role in the formation of the lower part of the head and is an important structure for the correct functioning of the brain and upper body. In the article we will take a closer look at the concept of the commissure of the inferior colliculus, its location, functions, as well as its connection with various diseases and injuries.

The inferior colliculus is a structure of the lower part of the skull that separates the lower part of the face from the brain. The shape of the commissure resembles the shape of the letter "V", each corner of which represents a wing-shaped opening. This characteristic is a distinctive feature of the commissure of the lower part of the cranial roof between two horizontal sutures