
A spectrofluorimeter is an instrument that is used to measure the fluorescence spectrum and emission intensity. It allows you to analyze the composition and structure of various materials, as well as determine their properties.

Spectrofluorimeters are used in various fields of science and technology, such as chemistry, biology, medicine, physics and others. They make it possible to study the properties of various substances, such as dyes, biological objects, crystals and other materials.

The operating principle of a spectrofluorimeter is based on measuring the spectrum of fluorescent radiation that occurs when a substance is irradiated with light of a certain wavelength. Fluorescent radiation has higher energy than the radiation that excites it and can be measured using special detectors.

One of the main advantages of spectrofluorimeters is the ability to analyze the composition and structure of materials without destroying their structure. This allows you to obtain information about the properties of a substance without affecting its properties. In addition, spectrofluorimeters can be used to determine the concentration of various substances in a solution.

However, spectrofluorimeters also have some disadvantages. For example, they can be expensive and require special operating conditions. Also, some substances may have low fluorescence, making them difficult to analyze.

In general, spectrofluorimetric analytical methods are widely used in scientific research and industry to determine the composition and properties of various materials.