Spike Trout

The term "commissure" in anatomy is used to designate any adhesions or connective tissue bridges between two formations, for example, between embryonic layers of the germinal membranes or between two organs, parts of organs or structures. For example, there are such anatomical paths as intervertebral (funiculus vertebralis), running between the vertebrae; between the cervical and lumbar vertebrae they are called vertebral ligamentous canals (ligamenta interspinosa). Adhesions arise from fascial sheets before birth or during the passage of tissue through the birth canal. There are several types of adhesions and the adhesive process manifests itself differently in different tissues of the body. This is due to large genetic differences in tissue connectivity and growth opportunities before cells leave the body's tissue carrier. Some areas stick together better, others not so well. Let's consider a typical example of adhesions in the human body, both in the fetus and in the adult body - the Trout commissure.
