
**Spinoplasty** is a relatively new technology in the field of plastic surgery, which allows you to correct the shape and size of the spinous process of the spine. The spinous processes are the lowest and hardest parts of the spine in the lumbar region and are an anatomical feature of the lower back.

Spinoplasty surgeries can be performed on both the anterior and posterior surfaces of the lumbar spinal column. These procedures include various types of plastic surgery and correction, including smoothing, lengthening, reducing the height of the spinous processes, resection or reshaping them. The result of the procedure is a beautiful appearance, more correct distribution of the load on the spine and more correct functioning of the back muscles. In addition, thanks to the use of new technologies in the field of regenerative medicine, spinoplasty surgery can be performed in a more gentle way, which makes it even more attractive to patients.

Spinoplasty surgeries can address several different problems. Typically, they are used to eliminate pain symptoms due to vertebral stenosis of the cervical spine or pain associated with osteochondrosis (decreased height and crunching of the vertebrae). However, these procedures can also be used to treat other conditions such as bulging discs, prolapsed discs, damaged intervertebral discs or spinal fractures, as well as to correct deformities and appearance problems in the lumbar spine.

Before surgery, it is necessary to conduct an examination and determine what changes need to be corrected. The plan of the operation will depend on this - you can change only the anterior or posterior surface of the spinous vertebrae, you can perform both procedures, or divide this process into several stages. It all depends on the individual characteristics of each patient and the complexity of his problem. The operation itself is performed arthroscopically using microsurgery.


Spinoplasty is a surgical procedure used to correct spinal deformities and restore its natural position. This method is based on the use of bone grafts and cartilage grafts to fix the spinal bones in the correct position and eliminate deformities.

Relevance and significance of the topic

Spinal deformities are one of the most common problems