Splat No. 2 Heart

Splat 2 "Hearty"

Slot No. 2 is one of the company's many products that is available on the Russian market. The article discusses the international name of this product and its main characteristics. "Cardiac" is a biologically active food supplement produced by Splat-cosmetics (Russia).

The name "Splat" comes from the Latin "planta", which means "plant". The fundamental idea is that flora is the lifeblood of humans and our planet. Therefore, we actively develop the theme of flora and fauna in all our products. Splat is our answer to eternal chaos. Our cosmetics are based on thousands of years of experience in the treatment and care of hair and scalp."

As the name suggests, Slot No. 2 is aimed at people suffering from problems in the cardiovascular system. These include hypertension, arrhythmia, pain in the area