
One of the important components of the treatment of various diseases is splenin. This biogenic drug is actively used in medicine and is actively used to replenish the missing number of white blood cells (leukocytes). It can be found in various forms, including capsules, tablets, and even injectable solutions.

Splenin is produced in Ukraine and has the international name Spleenine. It belongs to the group of biogenic drugs and is found in human bone marrow cells. Typically, splenin is used when white blood cell (neutrophil) levels are low, which can lead to infection and other diseases. The biologically active component of the drug is a protein that stimulates the activity of leukocytes and allows them to better fight infection. Using splenin may help reduce the incidence of infections and improve the body's immunity.

One of the most famous manufacturers of this drug is the Darnitsa company from Ukraine. This is a powerful research and production enterprise that specializes in the production of medicines. It has been developing and producing various pharmaceuticals for more than 70 years, including splenin, which contains 30% protein. In addition, Darnitsa also produces other drugs, such as hirudin.

As stated above, splenninitis can be used when the white blood cell count is low. This means that the drug is effective in preventing and treating infections that can cause serious complications. It also has anti-inflammatory effects and helps fight allergic reactions.

**Splenin**: a Ukrainian-made medicine that belongs to the group of biogenic agents. The international name of the drug is “Spleeninum”, and the manufacturer is the Ukrainian company “Darnitsa”. The drug is available in the form of a solution intended for injection.

***What benefits can splenina bring?***

Splenium (known in medical literature as "spleenin") is a complex biogenic agent that includes many compounds containing potassium, magnesium, iron, calcium, zinc, copper and other trace elements. In general, such an abundance of microelements determines the immunomodulatory effect of the drug on the body, its positive effect on digestion, stabilization of metabolism, regulation of growth and development processes in children. Here are some of the possible positive effects of splenin on the human body: * strengthening the immune system; * normalization of the digestive system, which helps improve overall well-being; * creating conditions for faster healing of wounds and recovery from injuries; * promoting the prevention and treatment of hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases; * acceleration of metabolism and improvement of metabolism; * improving blood circulation and reducing cholesterol levels in the blood; * restoration of the body's defenses.

Suitable areas for the use of splenin drugs were such problems as toxicosis in pregnant women, infectious diseases, chronic and inflammatory processes of various etiologies. It is recommended to include the drug in complex therapy of anemia, gastroenterological diseases, diabetes mellitus, and dermatological pathologies. It is believed that due to the high content of microelements, splenium