
Spondylodesis is a method of surgical treatment of the spine, which consists of connecting the vertebrae to each other. It is used to treat various diseases of the spine, such as osteochondrosis, scoliosis, herniated discs, etc.

Spinal fusion can be performed either at one level of the spine or at several levels. Depending on the extent of the lesion and the nature of the disease, the doctor may recommend various methods of spinal fusion.

One of the most common methods is transpedicular fixation. This method involves inserting a special rod through the vertebral body and securing it with screws. The rod allows you to connect the vertebrae to each other and prevent their displacement.

Another method is transaxial fixation. It consists in the fact that a special plate is applied to each vertebra, which is then fixed with screws. The plate allows you to connect the vertebrae and prevent their displacement, and also provides additional support to the spine.

In any case, spinal fusion is an effective method of treating spinal diseases and can significantly improve the patient’s quality of life. However, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consult a doctor.

Spondylodesis, or spondylodesis, is a surgical procedure performed to strengthen the bone formation of the sacrum and pelvic bones. This operation is mainly performed on patients with a fracture of the sacrum or deformation of bone tissue due to spondylolisthesis (slipping of the vertebrae relative to each other in one direction).

Spondylodesis is performed exclusively on the spine. This operation is an effective way to treat the musculoskeletal system. This is one of the most common interventions among the entire range of orthopedic ones. For reference! This article will describe the surgical intervention of the type of transarticular spondylodesis in ankylosing spondylitis, namely the fixation of the sacral vertebral bodies using transarticular hinge clamps.

Diagnosis of the disease is necessary before starting treatment. Based on the examination and the results of clinical and laboratory tests, the doctor will determine the patient’s treatment - conservative or surgical.

Bekhterev's disease is classified as a systemic disease and is otherwise called ankylosing spondylitis; sacroiliitis is also classified in this group. In any case, the essence is the same - the intervertebral joints and the space around them are damaged. Typical of the disease is compression of the nerve roots. If such a diagnosis is present, surgical treatment cannot be avoided. Due to the fact that with stage III arthrosis, a change in the configuration of the joints occurs, the gaps where the nerve roots and vessels should be located narrow or disappear completely. A vertebral block occurs and, as a consequence, pain syndrome. It is very rare for cartilage tissue to be restored in this disease. The most important thing is to achieve stable fixation of the intervertebral joints. The affected segment is temporarily fixed, and then the already restored segments are gradually removed, while at the same time the intervertebral disc is being restored in this area. Surgical treatment of arthrosis through spinal fusion is an effective remedy for problems with