Spondyloarthrosis Deforming


Spondyloarthrosis is a progressive process accompanied by systemic destruction of intervertebral joints. This disease occurs as a result of degenerative-dystrophic changes caused by metabolic disorders between articular cartilages. As a result, the quality of shock absorption between the vertebrae is impaired and accelerated wear of the fibrous discs develops. This pathology is very common among patients suffering from osteochondrosis.

Description of the pathology

Structurally, dystrophic changes in the spine occur during increasing age in all people. The most common cause of the disease is osteochondrosis, which can be primary or secondary. If the body is in the recovery stage, then dystrophic deformations develop. Treatment in this case will be the appointment of chondroprotectors. If the tissue is completely destroyed, muscles/cartilage degrade, bone growths/osteophytes form, and the development of pathology accelerates. Since the facet joints are affected pathologically, the disease is accordingly called “Facet Syndrome”. If the disease is advanced, the affected area increases and ends with damage to the facet joints