
Topic: "Spongia: a review of a homeopathic remedy"

Spongia is a homeopathic medicine that is produced in Russia by the company VALA R. It has the international name Spongia (that is, “toilet sponge”). Although this sounds quite funny, according to the manufacturer's description, this remedy can have a variety of effects on the human body, curing a variety of diseases.

What is the secret of this sponge? What makes it beneficial to human health? Let's figure it out.

Let's start with the fact that spongia is an algae that is grown under special conditions. During its growth process, a number of herbs, minerals and nutrients are used to enhance its beneficial properties. This sponge is oval shaped with small holes that allow water to pass through. It also does not get wet or rot over time.

Using the sponge in medicine, there are a number of proven studies that talk about the incredible effectiveness of this drug. According to the manufacturer, spongy can help get rid of various diseases, including diseases of the digestive system, colds and flu, as well as hypertension, depression and insomnia. Additionally, it works as a skin cleanser and even promotes weight loss. Perhaps it’s all about its unique properties and components, which activate the body’s defense mechanisms and lead to self-healing.

However, before you start using a sponge, you should consult a doctor to get advice and make sure there are no contraindications. Do not forget that homeopathy is an alternative treatment method, and its effectiveness is quite questionable for many. But for those who believe in the healing properties of certain herbs, drinks and even worms, this can be a real salvation.