Confusion Confabulatory

Content. What is confabulatory confusion? Main types. To begin with, let us use the term confusion, various changes, and in some cases, destruction of consciousness. But at the same time, the form of this disorder is important for determining the mechanisms of these processes and, consequently, determining therapeutic possibilities. Confusion as a subjective disturbance of consciousness can be observed in various mental illnesses. The phenomenon is usually divided into specific types depending on the severity of the disorders. Acute psychoses include megalomania, hallucinatory-paranoid syndrome and schizophrenia itself. Delirium of various origins progresses to acute delirium. In this case, hallucinations are characterized by poverty and instability, but persist upon recovery from psychosis. Features of mental processes also appear in transient depression, although their clinical picture is less consistent with the picture of one or another type of disorder observed in schizophrenia and acute delusional psychoses. Depressive syndrome of the paranoid type also leads to psychotic disorders, but in patients with an increased risk of suicide. Changes in consciousness are also observed in epilepsy with convulsive seizures, organic psychosis and status epilepticus, alcohol and other types of intoxication.

Confusion occurs in almost every person over 50 years of age, with an increased incidence in old age. To determine the clinical picture, separate forms of consciousness disorder are distinguished.

Let's consider such a disorder as confusion. Consciousness is a generalized concept of the psyche, thinking and behavior associated with a person. It is formed through a set of processes of obtaining information from the senses and analyzing memorization. The presence of mental activity indicates a normal level of personality development. There are several forms of disturbance of consciousness, but it is important to highlight one of them - confabulation.

The term “consciousness” was first introduced by the philosopher Berkeley, but at the moment the classification of mental states of a specialist in the field of medicine is being considered, since it provides information about a person,