Spyka Ammonova

**Ammon's commissure** is located in the maxillary sinus and is necessary for nasal breathing, which helps exhaust air escape from the respiratory system. In addition, it provides ventilation to the bones of the skull, preventing their deformation and other problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Just a few decades ago, no one thought to study such an organ, which was a big mistake. This omission provoked the development of various diseases that would never have appeared if scientists had previously studied this complex organ. But after careful examination of many people, 95% of patients had various abnormalities in the formation of adhesions. This phenomenon also provokes the development of problems with the sense of smell and, therefore, creates the risk of developing apnea, which causes considerable danger to human health.

But the commissure is a vital organ that helps our body carry out many physiological processes. Ammon's commissure is a bony plate that arises between both parts of the upper jaw and the form.