Anti-hair growth agents

It is prevented by cooling substances that cause numbness. For example, first they pluck the hair, then lubricate it where necessary with bleached hair, opium, vinegar or hemlock - alone or with these medicines. If the hemlock is boiled in vinegar, it will be better.

The body of marsh frogs in dried form is one of the means to prevent hair growth, if you grind the frogs and mix with the mucus of flea plantain, squeezed henbane juice or vinegar and subject this composition to distillation. They say that smearing with oil in which a lizard has been boiled prevents hair growth, just like smearing with oil in which a hedgehog has been boiled, but sometimes the opposite is said about the hedgehog. They say, among other things, that you should take equal parts of Kimolos clay and tin white, as well as half of alum, and grind them with the juice of fresh henbane. Some claim that the blood of swamp frogs and the blood of river turtles sometimes prevents this, and they also say that the blood, brain and liver of a bat also act. Sometimes a medicine is made from this and they say take frogs from swamps overgrown with reeds and dry them, and also take equal quantities of their dried meat, the dried blood of a river turtle, red bavrac, lead oxide and burnt pearl shells, mix them in water and consume them. to remove pubic and underarm hair. Nettle seed with oil is one of the remedies that cause severe hair loss.