
Staphyloplasty **Staphyloplasty** is a type of plastic surgery aimed at restoring or improving the appearance of the breast after surgery to remove malignant tumors. This procedure involves the use of various techniques and methods to restore the shape, size and aesthetic appearance of a woman's breasts.

Some women turn to a plastic surgeon to remove malignant breast diseases (such as breast cancer), which causes the breasts to be greatly reduced in size. In these cases, surgery may involve removal of lymph nodes or even complete removal of the breast. Staphyloplasty can improve the appearance of the breast and return it to its original shape.

Staphyloplasty can be performed in two ways: - **Direct implantation**. This is the most common method and is performed under general anesthesia. The surgeon removes some muscle tissue and fat from the patient's abdomen or thighs and then places it in the chest area where the breast tissue was removed. This method is well suited for patients who want to regain their previous breast shape or size. - **Transfer**. This method is used when