Vital Statistics

Vital statistics is a section of biostatistics that studies demographic indicators of the population. It includes information about fertility, mortality, marriage, migration, health and other aspects of human life.

Vital statistics are an important tool for assessing the health status of the population, planning social programs and making decisions in the field of health care. It allows you to determine trends in demographic indicators, identify problems and develop measures to solve them.

One of the most important indicators of Vital statistics is the birth rate. It reflects the number of newborns in a certain period of time, as well as their distribution by age, gender and other characteristics. Fertility is an indicator of population health and can be used to assess the effectiveness of social programs aimed at improving women's reproductive health.

Mortality is another important indicator of Vital statistics. It reflects the number of people who died in a certain period of time and allows you to estimate the mortality rate in different age groups. Mortality is an indicator of the health status of the population and can be used to assess the effectiveness of measures to prevent diseases and improve the quality of medical care.

Marriage rate is another vital statistics indicator, which reflects the number of marriages and divorces in a certain period of time. Marriage rates can be used to study social and cultural aspects of population life, as well as to analyze trends in the field of family and marriage.

Migration is the movement of people between different territories. Migration indicators can be used to assess the level of population mobility, analyze urbanization processes and identify problems associated with migration.

Health is the state of physical, mental and social well-being of a person. Health indicators can be used to analyze the health status of the population as a whole and to develop measures to improve it.

In conclusion, we can say that vital statistics plays an important role in the study of demographic processes of the population and is an important tool in decision-making in the field of social policy and health care.

Key words: Biostatistics and Vital Statistics

Vital statistics is the science of studying the patterns of human health. It combines data on population health and includes indicators of mortality, fertility, migration, and disability of the population.

The main objective of vital statistics is to shed light on various aspects related to the health of populations. The methods and approaches of vitalism statistics are used for the benefit of all groups of the population, and also contribute to the prevention of diseases.

One of the most important tasks of vital statistics is to measure the level of birth and death rates. Thus, demographic statistics answer questions about the dynamics of demographic indicators - birth rate, mortality rate