Asthmatic status

Status Asthmaticus – how to help a patient with a severe asthmatic condition?

Description of the disease

Status asthmaticis (literally “asthmatic condition”) is an acute impairment of respiratory function in a person with allergic bronchial asthma (abbreviated as BA) or asthma of unspecified etiology. Appears during an exacerbation of the chronic course of the disease, resulting from contact with various allergens (chemical, physical, plant, etc.), or against the background of ARVI. The condition most often occurs in spring and autumn and can last several hours or days. In severe cases there is a risk of death.

* Recommendation: do not self-medicate chronic asthma status (syndrome) at home. It is necessary to call an ambulance, which will quickly make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment after confirming this diagnosis with a doctor.