Lymph Stasis

Lymph stasis is the process when lymph fluid stops flowing through the lymphatic vascular system. The lymphatic system plays an important role in maintaining the health and vitality of the body. Lymph stasis can be caused by various reasons such as infections, injuries, diseases, etc. In this article we will look at what limma stasis is, its causes and consequences.

Lymphatics and its functions Lymph is a fluid that is formed in the tissues of the body and moves through the lymphatic system. The lymphoid system consists of lymph nodes, vessels and capillaries. It performs several important functions in the body:

* Removing waste and toxins from tissues; * Regulation of body temperature; * Immune system support; * Participation in metabolic processes. Lymphatic stasis is a condition in which the blood or lymphatic system cannot circulate properly through one or more lymphatic channels. Stasis can affect most body systems, including the immune system, digestion, and hormones. Impaired lymphatic drainage can lead to a variety of conditions, including swelling, infection, and metabolic disorders.

The causes of lymph stasis can be different. Some of them include:

Injuries such as fractures, bruises and burns; Infections such as tuberculosis, syphilis and HIV infection; Cancer; Tumors; Age-related changes in the body; Some are medicines, some are poisons.

Symptoms of Lymphoma Stasis Symptoms of lymphoma stasis appear several hours after injury or the onset of infection. Here are some of these symptoms:

Itching, pain, redness in the affected area; Fever; Fatigue, weakness; Changes in consciousness; Cracks in the skin at the site of injury. If lymphoma stasis is not treated promptly, more serious consequences may occur.