Angina pectoris False

False angina

Angina pectoris is a clinical syndrome characterized by the occurrence of pain in the heart area during physical activity or stress, which goes away with rest or after taking nitroglycerin. In some cases, reflex shortness of breath may appear during the onset of pain. ECG diagnostics may reveal a negative T wave.

If you experience chest pain, do not start to panic, as it can be caused by a variety of reasons, such as spasm of the coronary arteries or even muscle injury. But if the pain lasts more than 5 minutes and does not stop, you must immediately seek medical help, because one of the main causes of the development of pathological conditions of the heart is ischemic disease. Healthy people never experience angina attacks. Also, true and false angina differ in their symptoms. Angina pectoris occurs only with physical activity, and false angina occurs at almost any time of the day, even without exercise. The causes of angina are often psychogenic and mental, that is, caused by a strong emotional disturbance, usually during times of stress. As a rule, false cardiac symptoms are a consequence of experiences provoked by some negative event, fear of something complex and problematic. And it is this anxious state that underlies false cardiac symptoms. When a person knows that he has a disease and is susceptible to it, it is very easy to detect any symptoms of this disease. Sometimes a person subconsciously triggers a negative “test for the presence of illness.” Something happens to such people all the time. Their brain is designed in such a way that even the most ordinary factor in life makes them feel afraid for their health, so they begin to panic and think that everything is already bad. If you are predisposed to false angina, then at the slightest discomfort with the heart, which is caused by external factors, immediately feel alarmed. This is how your symptoms manifest themselves. If angina or angina-like attacks occur, and after a thorough examination, you will always know