Genital Radiation Sterilization

Genital radiation sterilization is an operation that helps prevent conception and pregnancy in women by changing the functions of the genital organs. This procedure involves exposing reproductive organs and hormones to ionizing radiation. As a result of this operation, healthy cells of the genital organs are damaged, become infertile or undergo mutations

Genital radiation sterilization (GRS) is a type of preventative medicine that is used to prevent and treat certain diseases. In this article we will look at what SLP is, its methods and consequences.

What is SPL?

Sexual intervention is a form of prevention used in medical practice to promote public health. This prevention is carried out in order to prevent diseases associated with sexual intercourse. Sexual sterilization is one of the most common methods of prevention. According to its purpose, sterilization prophylaxis is an alternative to surgical measures aimed at interrupting the natural fertility of men and women and preventing sexual intercourse.

When is sexual intervention used?

Sexual interventions are recommended under certain conditions where there is a high risk of developing certain pathologies. However, it is not recommended to perform sexual interventions too early, otherwise it may affect the development of the genital organs and lead to infertility. Sexual interventions may also be recommended in cases where the patient already has certain medical conditions. In addition, sexual interventions may be used as a precaution when there is a risk of sexually transmitted infections.

Types of sexual interventions

There are several types of sexual interventions, for example:

Castration (removal of the gonads): Castration is surgery to remove the testicles in men or the ovaries in women. Laparoscopic castration: A laparoscopy technique that uses small incisions instead of wide cuts to remove the testicles or ovaries. Castration of the testicles and ovaries: This method of removal involves the removal of both sex glands of a person. Cement castration: this one

Genital radiation sterilization is a process in which ionizing radiation is applied to the female and male genital organs to prevent pregnancy and sexual activity in patients suffering from infertility. As a rule, this procedure is used by people who do not want to have children for various reasons and want to get rid of hormonal and reproductive problems experienced by people with infertility.

The radiation sex sterilization method is aimed at the complete destruction of the ovaries in women and testicles in men. This causes irreversible changes in the genitals, causing the patient to lose the ability to produce sperm or eggs and therefore be unable to reproduce. In addition, the procedure may also affect fertility since male cells still remain in the man's body after the procedure.

To carry out the process, the latest achievements of technological progress are used, which make it possible to achieve high precision of sterilization and minimize possible negative consequences. Thanks to specialized equipment, such procedures can be performed quickly, safely and painlessly.