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Have you ever wondered how diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver occur? When a hepatocyte is damaged, irreversible cell death begins and connective tissue grows - fatty and protein degeneration. This process is called cirrhosis and liver failure. But the process is cyclical, that is, it develops in the form of repetition of certain stages, and does not end once. The liver has an amazing mechanism that, if one of the hepatocytes is damaged, restores the other. And this happens over a long period of time. That is, the liver in such medical diseases does not “end” at this stage, because the body has learned to restore the affected cells itself, but it is precisely this process of the recovery mechanism that can be called “Drain of sinuses.” And its cyclical nature can be compared to the sinuses, which give the liver renewal and youth. We can observe this effect in medicine when restoring the body after injury. And more recently, scientists discovered such a mechanism even in ra