Candidal stomatitis

Thrush stomatitis today affects most dental practices in our country. This infectious dental imbalance, according to dentists, has begun to prevail over other aggressive forms of oral infection. Since oral candidiasis is included in the “large” group of infections of the skin and mucous membranes, accounting for 5 to 10% of all its representatives, treatment and prevention of this important problem is extremely relevant. And there are serious scientific reasons for this. Unfortunately, most people have little knowledge about this disease and its consequences. Well, of course, after all, everything is familiar from childhood: I had a runny nose, a sore throat - now it will go away on its own. And if pain when swallowing forced you to see a doctor, then unfortunately it’s too late or you still can’t believe that this is a serious disease. But thrush stomatitis is a complex infection. The entire human body becomes its victim. A