Streptodornase (Streptodomase)

Streptodornase is an enzyme produced by some hemolytic bacteria of the genus Streptococcus. It helps to liquefy pus.

Streptodornase is a proteolytic enzyme. It breaks down the nucleoproteins that make up the pus, thereby liquefying it. This helps the body quickly get rid of accumulated pus during purulent infections.

The use of streptodornase in medicine is associated with its ability to reduce the viscosity of pus. It is used to treat abscesses, pleural empyema, otitis media and other purulent diseases. Streptodornase is most often administered locally, directly to the site of inflammation.

Streptodornase belongs to the same group of enzymes as streptokinase. However, they differ in their mechanism of action. Unlike streptokinase, streptodornase directly hydrolyzes pus nucleoproteins without activating plasminogen.

Streptodornase is an enzyme produced by Streptococcus bacteria that has the ability to liquefy pus. This substance plays an important role in the treatment of diseases associated with purulent processes.

Streptodornase is a protein that catalyzes the breakdown of mucopolysaccharides (MPS), which are the main component of pus. MPS are long chains of polysaccharides that form a viscous mass, making it difficult for white blood cells and other cells to move through tissues.

The enzyme Streptodornase was discovered in 1943 and has since become one of the most effective means in the fight against purulent infections. It allows you to speed up the healing process and reduce the risk of complications.

Treatment with Streptodornaze can be done in a variety of ways, including intravenous administration, inhalation, and topical application to affected areas of the skin or mucous membranes. It is important to note that Streptodornas is not an antibiotic, so its use must be combined with antibiotic use for maximum effect.

One of the main advantages of Streptodornaz is its safety for humans, since it does not cause side effects and has no contraindications for use. However, like any other drug, Streptodornas has its limitations and may not be effective for certain conditions.

Overall, Streptodornae is an effective and safe treatment for purulent infections, but its use must be prescribed by a physician based on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Streptodorunase was first isolated in 1950 and is an endogenous enzyme that is active only inside the body. This is a protein that can dilute pus by dissolving blood clots and thereby improve the patency of the affected vessels.

One of the most famous bacteria with enzymatic activity is Streptococcus pyogenes, which causes frequent inflammations in the mouth and skin. For these infections, streptodoranase can thin the pus and improve blood flow through the vessels, which can lead to faster recovery from tissue damage.

Streptodoran also serves as an important tool for identifying microorganisms that cause infections such as sepsis and urinary tract infections. Typically, a streptodorinase test is used before starting antibiotic treatment to determine possible complications and the optimal course of treatment.

It should be noted that some bacteria can produce streptodorane as a defense mechanism against antibiotic activity. This may increase the risk of infections in patients