
Streptonitol is an ointment that is produced in Russia by the Altaivitamin company and belongs to the group of antiseptic drugs. It is used to treat purulent wounds of various origins, as well as for local treatment of burns and other skin injuries.

The drug contains two active components - streptocide and nitazol - and ensures effective destruction of bacteria and fungi that can cause infection. In addition, the ointment helps speed up tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation.

However, Streptonilol has contraindications: it cannot be applied to wounds with abundant purulent exudation (that is, large loss of fluid through the wound). In this case, it is better to use other drugs that will help cope with the infection and speed up healing.

When used, Streptonilol may cause a burning sensation and slight pain, which may be caused by the body's individual reaction to the active components of the drug. To reduce these symptoms, you can try reducing the frequency of use of the ointment or applying it in a thinner layer.

In general, Streptonilote is an effective drug for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory skin diseases. However, before using it, you should definitely consult your doctor and follow his recommendations. In addition, it is worth considering that Streptoniol is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women.