Stuck Heel Symptom

Sticky heel symptom - This is also known as Gorinevsky's sign. This symptom is characterized by a feeling that the heel “sticks” to the floor when walking.

This symptom can occur in various neurological diseases such as Parkinson's disease, multiple system atrophy, progressive supranuclear palsy and others. The reason is a disruption in the functioning of the basal ganglia - parts of the brain responsible for regulating movements.

Diagnosis of the symptom of a stuck heel is carried out by a neurologist based on complaints and neurological examination data. To clarify the diagnosis, additional examination methods may be prescribed - MRI of the brain, analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, etc.

Treatment of the symptom of a stuck heel depends on the specific disease and is selected by the doctor individually. It may include drug therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures, and physical therapy. With proper treatment, symptoms may significantly decrease or disappear.